13.7 C
Saturday, September 7, 2024
CNWC Nuclear News

Relicensing of the point lepreau nuclear generating station

… The Canadian Nuclear Workers Council has reviewed the CMDs from the CNSC and NB Power. We agree with the CNSC Staff’s conclusions that a five year license should be granted and that the reloading of fuel can commence. Two of our major member unions, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 37 represent 94% of the staff at the Point Lepreau Generating Station and the International Boiler Makers Union (IBB) local 128 has many of their members working on the refurbishment project. We have consulted with both of these unions and they are in support of the CNWC’s submission.

As we have stated in previous submissions to the Commission, the CNWC holds health and safety of workers to be paramount. The local union fully endorses and supports the very active health and safety culture promoted and established by NB Power and continues to work with management to maintain a strong safety culture. However, if there was any health and safety matter of potential threat to workers and their families that was not being addressed expeditiously, please be assured that it would be brought quickly to the attention of the CNSC by the IBEW, IBB, or the CNWC.

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