October 16-19, 2022
Sheraton Hamilton Hotel
116 King Street West, Hamilton ON L8P 4V3
The CNWC Conference provides an opportunity to meet and network with other unionized
workers in Canada’s nuclear industry, receive an update on current events in the industry and to
provide input into the Council’s activities.
- Sunday, Oct. 16: Registration and 6:00 pm Reception at the Sheraton
- Monday, Oct. 17: Full-day meeting / tour
- Tuesday, Oct. 18: Full-day meeting / tour
- Wednesday, Oct. 19: Half-day meeting and wrap up
- Meetings take place at the Sheraton. Lunches provided. Agenda to follow.
Tours: McMaster University’s Nuclear Facilities, and Nuclear Waste Management Organization’s Proof-Test Facility in Oakville
Group dinner on Monday or Tuesday evening
Please email registration form to Taylor MacDonald tmacdonald@pwu.ca
Conference Registration Fee – $250
Click Here to Book your hotel room at the group rate for the 2022 CNWC Conference
*Hotel Rooms are booking up fast*
If you have any questions, please contact Bob Walker bwalker@cnwc-cctn.ca or 289-400-8962. We’re looking forward to seeing you in-person.