The Canadian Nuclear Workers Council (CNWC) is an organization that is comprised of Unions that represent workers in Canada’s Nuclear Industry. Appendix 1 attached includes a list of the Unions that are our members.
The CNWC submitted comments on the CNSC discussion paper DIS – !2 – 03 in 2012. Many of the issues we raised at that time are still contained in the current draft regulation.
The CNWC has reviewed the Draft Fitness for Duty Reg Doc 2.2.5. We have discussed the contents of this document with our member unions at the Nuclear Power Plants as well as our member unions in other licensed facilities.
Several of our member unions have also made submissions for this regulation and we are in full support of their views and concerns. We have serious issues with the following areas of the draft regulation …
Click here to download the Submission In Regards To FITNESS FOR DUTY – REGDOC – 2.2.4. in PDF format