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Sunday, February 9, 2025
CNWC Nuclear News

Renewal of Cameco Corp. Operating Licenses in Key Lake and McArthur River |08-14-08

…Representatives from the CNWC member unions toured the McArthur River Mine during their annual convention in 2007 which was held in Saskatoon. This tour provided a different set of eyes to review this facility. Tour participants consisted of workers in other sectors of the Canadian nuclear Industry and some of their spouses. The tour participants expressed a high level of comfort with the level of health and safety that they experienced on the tour. As well they were impressed by the environmental controls and respect for the environment that they witnessed during their time at the site.

The CNWC organized a tour of the McArthur River Mine for local and national Labour Union leaders in 2007. These tour participants echoed the same sentiments as the participants on the CNWC toured described above.

In 2004 the CNWC organized and participated in an independent investigation in regards to some issues around the 2004 McArthur River Mine flood event. (A copy of the report from this investigation can be obtained from our web site…

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