Home Mémoires OPG Pickering Operating License Renewal Application | 04-14-08

OPG Pickering Operating License Renewal Application | 04-14-08

Ontario Power Generation Pickering Overhead View

…As we have stated in previous submissions to the Commission, the CNWC holds health and safety of workers to be paramount. We believe that a safe work environment which results in a very good safety culture creates a workplace that is operated in a very safe manner. As you will be made aware the on site Unions are involved with the employer with many health and safety programs at the site. This cooperative effort ensures that worker safety is paramount and a good safety culture will exist.

The presence of the on-site CNSC staff who continually review and monitor the safety of this facility also helps to ensure the safe operation of the Generating Station.

Many of the station staff live nearby with their families, this demonstrates their confidence in the safety of the facility.

The CNWC has coordinated several tours of the Pickering Station for Union leader groups in the past few years. Some of these people had some skepticism about the facility prior to their visit but left with a sense of satisfaction that the plant was very clean and safety was a high priority…

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