…CEP Local 48S has represented the workers at the McClean Lake site since the mines inception in 1994.
Our comments and recommendations are based on the long working history with CEP local 48S and this company at its Cluff Lake mine (now decommissioned) in northern Saskatchewan and almost 14 years of experience at the McClean Lake project.
We have also reviewed Areva’s submission as well as the CNSC Staff Submission for the AREVA application for the renewal of the operating license for the MaClean Lake Mine and Mill Facility.
The following are our comments in this regard:
External View
Several CNWC members toured this facility in 2007. A group of Saskatchewan and National Labour leaders/representatives also toured the site in 2006. Both groups were very impressed with the worker safety programs and the environmental controls that were in place to protect the environment. These tours provided the opportunity of external eyes to view the mine and mill site.
This fact should help ensure the public that these facilities are operated in a safe manner and that the environment is safeguarded….