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Sunday, February 9, 2025
CNWC Nuclear News

2017 Significant Economic Results

Key Points:
• Canada’s nuclear industry—uranium mining to decommissioning of nuclear facilities and everything in between, is a
mixture of private and public sector participants. Most of the industry is in Ontario, with a presence in Saskatchewan, Quebec and New Brunswick.
• In 2015, nuclear power provided over 16 percent of Canada’s electricity. In Ontario, nuclear power provided about 60 percent of the province’s electricity, and nuclear power supplied 40 plus percent of New Brunswick’s electricity.
• In Ontario, only hydroelectric generation has a lower cost per kilowatt-hour than nuclear generation. Natural gas and wind power cost twice as much as nuclear and solar seven times more.
• The nuclear industry generates over $6 billion per annum in revenue not including health and environmental benefits.
• Canada is the world’s second largest supplier of uranium with exports representing an annual value of about $1 billion.
• Canada’s nuclear industry supports about 60,000 direct and indirect jobs and 200 supply chain companies.
• Annual uranium exports contain energy equivalent to about 1 billion barrels of oil, comparable to Canada’s oil exports in 2015.
• In total, Canada has exported 34 CANDU reactors (30 are still in operation) to Argentina, China, India, Pakistan,
Romania and South Korea.
• Canada’s nuclear industry generates Federal and Provincial revenues through taxes of approximately $1.5 billion.

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