Reference. 2024-H-03
CNWC submission regarding OPG’s Application for a Licence to Construct a single BWRX-300 Reactor at their Darlington Nuclear Generating Site
Dear President Tremblay and Members of the Commission
Please accept this letter as the written submission from the Canadian Nuclear Workers’ Council (CNWC) for the Public Hearing scheduled for the week of January 08, 2025 regarding the application from Ontario Power Generation (OPG) for a licence to construct a single GE Hitachi Boiling Water Reactor X-300 (BWRX-300) at its Darlington New Nuclear Project (DNNP) site. We also request an opportunity to make an oral submission…
Ontario Power Generation’s Application
We are in full support of OPG’s application for a licence to construct the first of four BWRX-300 reactors at the DNNP site and their written submission in support of that application (CMD: 24-3.1), specifically:
- OPG meets all the legal requirements of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA) and the applicable Regulations.
- OPG has demonstrated they are qualified to carry out the licensed activities and make adequate provision for the protection of the environment and the health and safety of people.
- The DNNP will not result in any significant adverse environmental effects.
- OPG will implement required mitigation measures.
- OPG has a long history of safe and effective operations in all of their nuclear facilities.
OPG is qualified to undertake the construction of a BWRX-300 unit and ancillary facilities at the Darlington Nuclear site…