Home Latest News CNWC Letter to the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson

CNWC Letter to the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson


Dear Minister Wilkinson

I am writing to express our appreciation for the unrelenting commitment of the Canadian
Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) to ensure Canada’s nuclear facilities continue to
operate safely.

The Canadian Nuclear Workers’ Council (CNWC) was formed in 1993 as an association of
Unions representing Workers across Canada’s nuclear industry. This includes the
thousands of highly skilled professionals employed at all of Canada’s nuclear power plants.
There is nothing more important to us than maintaining the highest standards of health and
safety in our workplaces and the optimal health of our host communities. We live, work and
play in these communities with our Families and Friends. It is clearly in our interst to ensure
these facilities are operated safely. The CNWC is a regular participant in the regulatory
process and we have many opportunities to interact with the CNSC. We’ve witnessed the
CNSC’s uncompromising commitment to the protection of Workers, the Environment and
the Public. We’ve never witnessed any action or inaction that could compromise safety.
It’s important to ensure our perspectives are heard regarding an article in the Globe and
Mail on 05 January 2023 and criticisms about the CNSC from groups such as the Ontario
Clean Air Alliance (OCAA).

We followed the issue very closely following the discovery of elevated hydrogen levels in
pressure tubes. In our opinion the CNSC took immediate and appropriate regulatory
actions and the issue was analysed thoroughly and professionally. The CNSC conducted
all of this in a very transparent, public process. We support the decisions of the
Commission and conclusions that pressure tubes and reactor operations are safe. In
addition, we agree with the CNSC’s response to the Globe and Mail article.
We wholeheartedly encourage raising concerns but accusations by the OCAA that the
CNSC is ignoring safety issues are simply wrong.

Canada’s nuclear industry is important for Canada and for all Canadians. Nuclear energy
provides us with a source of clean, reliable electricity without greenhouse gas emissions.
This is becoming increasingly important as we look for opportunities to mitigate climate
change. Nuclear also provides Canadians with the medical isotopes we need for our highquality healthcare, sustainable high-quality employment opportunities, economic growth
and continuing innovation.

A successful, sustainable nuclear industry requires a strong, independent and transparent
regulator. Canada has that.

Canadians can be assured that our nuclear power plants continue to be operated to the
highest standards and our nuclear facilities continue to rank amongst the safest workplaces
anywhere. The Workplace Parties work together to ensure this is always the priority. Strong
regulatory oversight with public participation help maintain that. We have the utmost
confidence in the CNSC and we commend their professional, thorough, fact-based and
transparent approach to nuclear safety.

Bob Walker
National Director
Canadian Nuclear Workers’ Council

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