The Canadian Nuclear Workers Council (CNWC), founded in 1993 is an umbrella organization of Unions representing workers in all sectors of the Canadian nuclear industry. Represented sectors include electric power utilities, uranium mining and processing, radioisotope production for medical and industrial purposes and nuclear research.
Unionized Nuclear Workers in a Safe Industry
The CNWC is administered by an Executive which meets a minimum of twice a year and by an annual Convention of the member Unions. Between executive meetings the President coordinates activities of the council. The executive is elected biannually at the Convention.
Member Unions pay annual dues to cover the administration costs of the CNWC.
The Council’s mailing address is:
244 Eglinton Ave, EAST,
Toronto, Ontario
M4P 1k2
CNWC Member Unions:
Canadian Union of Public Employees –Locals 1500, 2000, & 267
UNIFOR –Local 599-O & Local 48 – S & local 252
International Association of Firefighters
International Association of Machinist & Aerospace Workers—Local 608
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 37
International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers (IFPTE) Locals 160 & 164
Power Workers’ Union
Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPS)–CRPEG & WRPEG
Society of Energy Professionals
United Steel Workers–Locals 8914, 7806, 14193, 13713, 1568, 4096
Society of Professional Engineers & Associates (CANDU Inc)
Hydro Quebec Professional Engineers Union
Grey-Bruce Labour Council
Durham Region Labour Council
Northumberland District Labour Council
Building & Construction Trades Council of Ontario
International Union of Operating Engineers (IOUE) Local 35
The council conducts the following activities to work towards it’s mandate.
- The development of fact sheets in layperson terms which explain and provide information on current and ongoing nuclear related issues.
- The development and maintenance of the CNWC web site.
- Having a display booth at labour convention/conferences, industry events, public forums etc. This allows the council members the opportunity to distribute their information and to also engage the delegates/public in discussions regarding the nuclear industry.
- The presentation of briefs to the CNSC in support of the re-licensing, etc of nuclear facilities.
- The presentation of briefs to panels, etc that are set up to review nuclear related issues. [FERO, Mining Panels, Legislative Hearings, Municipal Councils etc.]
- The production and distribution of a quarterly newsletter which is sent to labour & industry leaders, politicians, news media, etc. which highlights current nuclear related issues from a workers perspective.
- When possible, respond to media articles that are detrimental to the nuclear industry.
- Arrange meetings and presentations with labour groups regarding nuclear and uranium mining issues.
- Lobby politicians and encourage them to listen to the views of workers in regards to nuclear issues.
- Assist Nuclear Industry Employers and organizations where required. [ CNA etc]
- Conduct an annual convention of the council to keep members updated on the status of their industry and to also provide them an opportunity to provide input into the council’s annual work plan.
- Interface with the IndustriALL International Nuclear Workers Union Network (INWUN) to defend the Canadian Nuclear Industry and to ensure that the voice of the Canadian Nuclear Workers is heard on nuclear issues internationally.